Evidences for Biblical Geology

These are notes from my presentation on Biblical Geology, provided here with footnotes for further study.

John 3:12
“If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not,
how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?”
Ø  There are a few facts that are firmly grounded in history.  We know Jesus lived, we know he died – in fact, historians say that if there’s anything we know for sure, it’s that.
Ø  From other evidence, such as the changed hearts of the disciples and the fact that Christianity bloodlessly swept across the world in the decades following His death, we can know that He rose again. (abundant eye-witness accounts, for one.)

I.                     So the question naturally arises – why don’t some believe?
o    John 6:66 – Offense - “from that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.”  (his sayings offended those who didn’t understand)
o    John 7:13 – Fear - “Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.” (even the disciples fell into this trap – Jn 19:38, 20:19)
o    Rom. 10:14 – Ignorance – “How then shall they call on him in whom they have no believed? And how shall they believe on him whom they have not heard?  And how shall they hear without a preacher?”
II.                    So of what are we ignorant?
o    Origins of Millions of Years
·          Deep time, or millions/billions of years, in modern history goes back to the work of Charles Lyell[i] and others like him (Werner, Hutton, et al.) [ii]
·          Men like Hutton believed that the erosion of the ground would deposit particles into the ocean, which would then rise back up with molten activity, and thus the earth would go through cycles.[iii]  He would influence Lyell, who would then influence Darwin with his Principles of Geology.[iv]   He claimed he could see no evidence of a beginning in the rock record.
·          William Smith (1769-1839), “Father of English Stratigraphy,” theorized that fossils found in the same layers must have been laid down at the same time.  This is the start of the concept of index fossils to help give relative date to rock layers.[v]
o    Reasons for Millions of Years
·          Remember, evolution depends on deep time – billions of years.  In order for mutations[vi] to accumulate, you need multiple generations.  Downside: in experiments with fruitflies and bacteria, we have yet to see any macro-evolutionary change.  This leads scientists to assume that they must be perfect, evolutionarily-speaking.[vii]
·          Lyell was trying to dislodge the Mosaic system.  Thus to compete with what the Bible said, you need to have millions of years.  (Biblical and evolutionary cosmology are mutually exclusive)[viii]
·          Radiocarbon Dating (for things up to about 58,000 years [10 half-lifes of C-14]) as well as other radioactive decay methods.  As Teaching about Evolution says,
·          Some elements, such as uranium, undergo radioactive decay to produce other elements. By measuring the quantities of radioactive elements and the elements into which they decay in rocks, geologists can determine how much time has elapsed since the rock has cooled from an initially molten state.”
o    Problems with Millions of Years
·          Based on assumptions[ix]
·          Carbon Dating (C-14 or Radiocarbon) is typically done on sediments, which are thought to accumulate slowly over millions of years – however, when Mt. St. Helens erupted in early 1980s, it produced 25 feet of finely-layered sediments in one afternoon.  Interestingly enough, a canyon about 1:40 scale of the Grand Canyon was carved quickly through those sediments.
o    Assumed the rate to always remain the same (of C-14 decomposition)
o    Assumed the rate of creation always the same.
·          Radiometric dating assumes all daughter elements have vanished with the creation of the parent, and that all daughter present must be the product of decomposition.
o    Assumed to know the amount that was there at the start
o    Assumed that there was no polluting of the sample either one way or another.
·          Studies don’t confirm either method to work
·          Some Carbon-14 is found in wood buried in layers too old to be under 58,000 years old, as well as diamonds, which were found buried deep in the earth – giving us a maximum age of 58,000 over the whole earth.
·          One radiometric dating method – Uranium-Lead – produces helium as a byproduct, which would all be gone if the rocks were old (it floats away).  We find it in very deep places, some measured at 1.5 billion years old.  Since there is helium, the layers can’t be older than 14,000 years old.[x]
·          Using radiometric dating on rocks from Mt. St. Helens dome that formed in 1986 gave a date of .35 million years.  K-Ar dating of five lava flows from Mt. Ngauruhoe in New Zealand (erupted in 1975) gave a date of .27-3.5 million years.
·          Other evidences point to a young earth – including things like lunar drift, erosion rates, supernova activity, growth of the Great Barrier Reefs, snow layers, tree layers, genetic decay of the human genes, existence of Helium in the crust, salinity of the oceans, existence of red blood cells in dinosaur bones.[xi]

[i] Lyell was a lawyer who wanted to destroy the Mosaic system, and fought against the concept of “catastrophism” which was popular during his time.  For some of the pertinent quotes, see “Charles Lyell’s Hidden Agenda…” found on http://creation.com/charles-lyell-free-science-from-moses
[ii] For more information, see the DVD “Millions of Years: Where Did the Idea Come From?” by Dr. Terry Mortenson (available through answersingenesis.org).
[iii] See his paper/ book of the same name Theory of the Earth, published as a paper in 1785 and a book in 1795.  (This is the same logic the USGS uses to explain the age of the earth: see http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/age.html)
[iv] See The Long War Against God, by Henry Morris, for more information on the impact of Lyell.
[v] For a fun description/discussion of fossil record, see “David Berlinski – Evolution Destroyed in under 5 Minutes” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHeSaUq-Hl8
[vi] Mutations are simply copying mistakes that almost 100% of the time are harmful, if not fatal.  Understand them like you would a typo – you can have rearranged letters, duplications of the same letters, or removal of said letters (but you can’t have letters appear that were never there to begin with.
[vii] For more information, see the book or documentary Icons of Evolution, by Jonathan Wells.  Also, http://www.iconsofevolution.com
[viii] For instance, 6 days of creation or long age?  About four thousand years of time between Creation and Christ (as opposed to millions of years).  The ultimate problem comes down to this: is man the cause of death, or is death/evolution the cause of man?
[ix] For an in-depth list of assumptions/explanation of said assumptions, see “How Old is the Earth,” http://creation.com/how-old-is-the-earth and “Radiometric Dating Breakthroughs” http://creation.com/radiometric-dating-breakthroughs, as well as Bones of Contention, Marvin L. Lubenow.
[x] See “Radiometric Dating Breakthroughs” for more.  http://creation.com/radiometric-dating-breakthroughs


  1. " As this Jesus was not a god, but an ordinary mortal man,
    probably gay, anything that has been invented and founded in his name,
    no matter how nice it may sound has no legitimacy, credibility and truth attached to it.

    Take away the fake miracles attributed to Jesus,
    take away the church invented fake saints
    and their fake invented church miracles,
    all the Christian theology comes crumbling down, leaving Christianity and the Church completely naked.

    Christianity is founded on the Jewish invented God known as yahweh and everything else about Jesus was invented
    by SAUL the Jewish man known as the Apostle Paul and the Church Fathers.

    Let us face the truth.
    The apostle Paul (Jewish man SAUL who never ever met Jesus) and the Church Fathers,
    invented and created the huge theology, dogma, story and rules etc....around Jesus the religious figure.

    Also the Roman Empire participated in the invention of the Christian religion.
    It was this empire that financially and in every other way possible
    supported the creation of the Church and its religion
    as it sought to have a religion (a weapon) in which to be able to control the masses of people
    from the many various nationalities in its empire.

    The Christianity it assisted in creating was the ideal weapon for the empire to achieve its goal.
    (Christianity teaches people to turn the other cheek, do not ask for very much in the today as you will be rewarded in the afterlife in a "Heaven - Paradise" with an everlasting life etc.)
    That is why it so brutally then went out of its way to force this religion on to all the people of the empire.
    Thus from this religion creating the "one People - one religion system"
    and all loyal to the emperor and the empire.

    Throughout history the Church has always stood by the side of the ruling establishment
    ....controlling the masses for the establishment....a great partnership for the benefit of both.

    That is also why in later years the colonial rulers all over the world forced the Christian religion
    on to the native peoples of their colonies.
    We have all heard of the expression whereby the natives say " they gave us a book and told us to close our eyes
    and pray,
    when we opened our eyes we had the book
    and they had all the land ".

    So what did this gay Jesus actually achieve on a personal level?!
    Jesus achieved absolutely nothing!"

    .. any debate on this is useless, since a god
    needs to be proven - First.

    1. Glad you're giving me things to respond to. Let's tackle this:

      1) Jesus wasn't gay if He was God - God makes His views on homosexual and extramarital sex quite clear throughout the Bible.

      2) Can't prove Jesus was an ordinary man, so the balls in your court on that one.

      3) Can't say they're fake miracles - you have no proof of that. Something happened to cause a bunch of unbelievers to rapidly become believers AFTER their so-called King died in a brutal way.

      4) Christianity would fail if Christ didn't exist, agree with you there. I would be pointless if He didn't rise from the dead. Paul said such when he said if there is no resurrection, we are of all men most miserable.

      5) Paul probably did meet Jesus, he certainly lived at the same time. Either way, here's a man who hated and was quite benefited by slaughtering Christians who claimed to have a vision and became a victim of anti-Christian persecution. THat doesn't seem logical if there wasn't some sort of genuine miracle involved.

      6) Roman Empire persecuted Christians until Christianity became a legal religion under Constantine and then the state religion later on in the 300s. You have no evidence to present that Rome started Christianity - in fact, all evidence points to the fact that Christians were considered strange outsiders, followers of a "pernicious superstition," etc. THey were slaughtered because they wouldn't worship the Roman gods, and thus were considered atheists for their trouble.

      7) Maybe under Constantine, you could make the case that Rome saw the value of using Christianity as a weapon, but that was at least 200 years after its origination.

      8) Christianity wasn't created as a weapon and didn't brutally go out of its way to subjugate the people of the empire. No proof for any of these claims (see above)

      9) The Church has stood on both sides of the conflicts - why do you think the Pilgrims sailed to the New World, or why other religious leaders fled their lands - there were extensive persecutions from the corrupt "state churches," and by no means was Christianity always on the side of the "establishment."

      10) Colonial rulers were probably not even genuine Christians (see my video on the "No True Scotsman fallacy."

      11) Jesus wasn't gay. You can keep saying that, but homosexuality is an abomination to God.


  2. Evolution has nothing to do with gods and religion - It is simply a scientific method of observing facts and data;

    However, 'creationism' is ONLY about religion!!!

    'Creationism' is based exclusively on a god - and there fore discussions on creationism must,

    show evidence of that god which is the source of 'creationism' !!!

    Otherwise - any and all restrictions by 'admin' might be viewed as a blatant attempt to deflect away from truth and fact, and might lead some to think that this is a 'creationist' site....

    Any and all discussions on 'creationism'/ID will be accompanied by proof of earned degrees in the sciences.

    Do not refer to any science concepts if you do not have the required credentials to show that you know, and understand, what you are talking about.

    1. Science requires just as much faith. You can't use the scientific method to PROVE the age of a rock - that requires some guess-work.

      And I am the only one who works on all this, so there is no "admin." It's me. I make the decisions to block, delete, and remove according as I have said.

      And of course this is a "Creationist" site. What else would I be?


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