
Showing posts from May, 2021

Man Added Books to the Bible?

 In this simple study, we look at the "doctrine" of canon - or in other words - what books should be in the Bible? Can we trust that what's in the Bible should be there and what's excluded should be excluded? Several other religions and even sects of Christianity have vastly different opinions. However, if we take the Bible at its own word, it will give us all the insight we need to both interpret it and understand what should/shouldn't be in there. In fact, while many other religions will cite the Bible to prop up their own claims, they must also subvert its authority in order to claim some of that credibility for their prophet to teach new, unbiblical doctrines (and make them sound like they are the Biblical ones). Without further ado, in note format - what do we believe about the Canon and why? PLEASE NOTE: We are entering this study with basic Christian assumptions - more information on all of these can be found on other blog posts on this page as well as on m...