Are We Talking about the Same Christ?
This is a series of points I arranged for a sermon I preached 4/13/15. I wanted to make the sources available to whoever might want to learn more of what I had to say. The real question I want to address is this: do all religions that talk about Christ actually serve the same Jesus? The Bible talks extensively about the Messiah, and talks about Christ (Jesus) being the same as Jehovah from the Old Testament. So how do different groups measure up? 2 Cor. 11:1-15, Jude warn of false preachers, bringing false doctrines, and false Christs. Mk. 13:22-23 – false Christs and Prophets shall come Ø C atholic view of Christ o “Oh how great is the priest! . . . If he realized what he is, he would die . . . God obeys him: he utters a few words and the Lord descends from Heaven at his voice, to be contained within a small host. Without the sacrament of Holy Orders, we would not have the Lord. Who put him there in that tabernacle? The priest. ...