... On Woman "Pastors"... (part 1)
A Pastor is the head of the local church like an under-shepherd is the head of the sheep... What do I mean? I mean this - the undershepherd is appointed, hired, and paid by the shepherd. He does the shepherd's duty while the shepherd is away, and without the shepherd's consent in certain areas, the undershepherd is unable to "change" things at whim. God is the head shepherd, and He has tasked pastors with keeping the flock while He is away. This task is rife with danger, seduction, and award. Several creep in unawares and try to convince the pastor (and the sheep) that they have been sent by the Shepherd. At every turn, the pastor and the sheep must turn to their guide-book - the Bible - and double-check to see if they (as the sheep) or their leaders (the pastors) are actually "sent from God." So, in this blog, I'd like to tackle the semantically-rich minefield that I would sum as "gender roles in the pastorate." There are some blog...