The Impact of Evolutionary Humanism
A LOOK AT THE EDUCATIONAL INFLUENCE OF EVOLUTIONARY HUMANISM Perhaps one of the most influential concepts in the United States today is the theory of evolution. For better or worse, this theory has managed to work its way into almost every facet of life, from education, to politics, and even into the lives of Christians themselves. Volumes have been written both for and against the theory, but what is the crux of evolution? Once all the scientific debate is removed, just how influential is this theory? Diamond, in his foreward to Ernst Mayr’s work What Evolution Is , makes a powerful statement that “Evolution is the most profound and powerful idea to have been conceived in the last two centuries.” (Mayr 2001, vii) Whatever someone’s personal bias about the theory may be, evolution dramatically impacts education, particularly when one considers its origins, its direct impact on the beliefs of humanism, the dual impact those theories have on today...